My New Job
These recent years have been a time of building and exploration for me personally. I've balanced the roles of Mom and Wife with a rewarding career in higher education administration. But several months ago I made a conscious decision to follow a hunch and embark on a...
New Content Coming Soon
Wow! It has been an amazing 5 years and we have so much to share with you as a family. We're slowly getting back into blogging and will have updates soon on our upcoming revamped site. Be sure to check back for new updates.

Dad’s Seafood Gumbo
Dad’s Seafood Gumbo recipe (Serves 4-5 people) Ingredients 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch cilantro 1 lb uncooked, unpeeled large shrimp 1 lb Andouille sausage (or you can substitute kielbasa if Andouille is not available) 4 boneless, skinless chicken thighs 2 stalks...

Welcome to Boston Public Garden!
Although I've lived in and around Boston for over 40 years, I tend to take for granted one of our loveliest features: Boston Public Garden. So I thought I would dedicate this Blog post to some facts about the Garden and perhaps entice you to visit. Founded in1837,...

Take A Boston Swan Boat Ride!
Take a Boston Swan Boat Ride! Planning a summer trip to Boston? If your family is like mine, we are always looking for something interesting and different to do. One Boston activity that is enjoyed by all ages are the Swan Boat rides in the Boston Public Garden. A...

Our family trip to Beautiful Bar Harbor
Our Family Trip to Bar Harbor Bar Harbor is one of my favorite places for a quick New England getaway. Located on Mount Desert Island off the coast of Maine, Bar Harbor was the summer home of Boston's rich and famous until a fire in 1947 burned most of the town to...

50 Popular Dog Breeds – Mind Massage #7
See if you can find your favorite dog breed in this week's mind massage.

8 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe this Summer
Are you a dog owner? Dogs often become special family members and it is only natural to want to provide their comfort and safety during hot summer weather. When I think of Fawn, Gigi, Lady, and Tasha (our great family dogs) I realize I always thought keeping our...

Amazing Manito Park and Duncan Garden
Amazing Manito Park and Botanical Gardens We love to travel in the summer months, and during our visit to the state of Washington, one of the best afternoons was spent in Manito Park. Manito Park is truly an experience not to be missed! Spokane, Washington, is home...

Growing marigolds in your garden
Growing up with marigolds Marigolds - every garden's friend! White, yellow, orange, large and small - Marigolds are found in gardens throughout the world. Marigolds come from the sunflower family, genus Tagetes, and are known as a hardy, beautiful and easy to grow...
Greetings! I’m “Leia”, a Midwestern transplant to New England, wife to Jonathan the physicist, mother of two millennial children, and a lover of homes, cooking, dogs and children. Welcome to my blog: Our Millennial Home!
Let’s start at the beginning…
I’ve been thinking about this for some time and finally decided that it is time to dive right in and start blogging. In many ways this is a blog about change and entrepreneurship, and I am sure our challenges are the same as those faced by many others. As a family we are evolving and we find ourselves in a continual state of change. Some days are great and others – well, not so much, and I have to say that being mom to two “millennials” is both a challenge and delight. Our family has been spread across three continents – with my daughter in England, my son in Japan and my husband and I in the United States. Now we find ourselves facing new opportunities, some serious new challenges, and we will share these with you as they develop via our family blog. I hope we all enjoy the adventure!